You likely have a set of jumper cables in your emergency car kit. But, do you know how to use them to jump start a dead car? It’s very simple but the steps must be followed in a specific order.
How to Use Jumper Cables to Jump Start a Car
Park your car [DEAD] facing or next to the car giving you the jump [BOOST] and open both the hood. Both cars should be off. Here’s the part you need to pay attention to:
- Clamp one end of the red cable (+) to the positive (+) terminal on the battery of the DEAD car. If there is a cover on it, take that off first.
- Clamp the other end of the red cable (+) to the positive (+) terminal but this time on the battery of the BOOST car.
- Clamp one end of the black cable (-) to the negative (-) terminal on the battery of the BOOST car. If there is a cover on it, take that off first.
- Clamp the other end of the black cable (-) to some unpainted metal screw or knob near the battery of the DEAD car. This is to ground the connection. Do not connect it to the negative (-) of the BOOST car’s battery or have it touch the engine.
Now that that’s done, you can start the BOOST car. Let it run for a few minutes so the power juice starts flowing. Next, start the DEAD car and let that run for a few minutes as well.
I tried to think of a catchy phrase to remember this and came up with – Red, dead. Black goes back.
All done! You can now use jumper cables to jump start a dead car battery all by yourself! The only thing left is to take off the cables and you must do that in reverse order of how you put them on.
- Remove the black cable (-) from the BOOST car.
- Remove the other end of the black cable (-) from the BOOST car.
- Remove the red cable (+) from the BOOST car.
- Remove the red cable (+) from the not-so-DEAD car.
Now pack it away neatly so you can show off your skills next time. So, red-dead, red-boost, black-boost, black-ground then visa-versa to take them off. If this doesn’t work or the battery dies often, it might be time to get a new battery or check the starter.
For easy reference, go ahead and print this “How to Use Jumper Cables to Jump Start a Car Printable” (better quality than the image below).
Hi TerriAnn…I just finished reading your article and I think you have a mistake near the end. Your graphic as well as in an early paragraph say to start by connecting the red cable to the (+) on the dead car to the (+) on the boost car, then the black cable to the (-) on the boost car to a ground on the dead car. However, in this paragraph, you have “black-dead” and I’m pretty sure it should be “black-boost::
“Now pack it away neatly so you can show off your skills next time. So, red-dead, red-boost, black-dead, black-ground then visa-versa to take them off. If this doesn’t work or the battery dies often, it might be time to get a new battery or check the starter.”
Ooh, thank you for catching that!
Hi, I’ve been racing for quite a few years and have a lot of jumps under my belt. I would just like to mention that connecting the ground clamp to the engine is perfectly safe. Also, it does not truly matter in which order you take the cables off, since the electricity will have nowhere to go once a live or ‘hot’ cable is removed. Just don’t take both grounds off first.
Was using this photo to send to my son by the way, very simple and easy to view!
So glad this came in handy! I had a hard time finding a clear, printable graphic online so I had to make my own. 🙂
Thanks for the tip!
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